
process an order中文是什么意思

  • 处理订单,备货



  • 例句与用法
  • When you are processing an order or preparing a shipment , the denied party screener provides online access to perform quick and efficient searches at any time
    当您处理订单或准备货件时, denied party screener可提供在线上获取随时进行快速有效的搜寻。
  • There are times when we may need information from you , for instance : to process an order , to correspond , to provide a subscription or in connection with a job application
  • When you are processing an order or preparing a shipment , the denied party screener provides online access to perform quick and efficient searches at any time
    当您处理订单或准备货件时, deniedpartyscreener可提供在线访问,以随时进行快速有效的搜索。
  • If any of the manufacturing plants reject or fail to process an order , then the complete manufacturing process for the batched orders is revoked , and the system notifies the customer of the problem
  • For example , you might use a performance counter to track the amount of time required to process an order or query a database , or you might monitor the size of a message queue and write code that performs a specific action whenever the queue reaches a preset limit
  • 推荐英语阅读
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